Saturday, 28 May 2016

Day Two (26 May 2016) - Worked Started

Everyone was really excited today.  Excited about starting work at LEO Digital, excited to meet our mentors, excited to know more about LEO Digital.

We had a super rich learning today from the presentation by the mentors on what advertisement is all about what are the approaches and follow-up actions when they receive the project brief from the client.  The team already started on ideation for actual business project from clients.

Today we will be using the thinking routine I used to think… Now I think…


I used to think that advertisements only promote one thing but now I think that there are many different type of advertisements to promote different things such as a brand or an object. I used to think that advertisement jobs do not need much thinking process but now I think that people working in the advertisement jobs does a lot of work on just creating the advertisement alone. I used to think that there is very limited area for advertisements to work on but now I think that there are many endless possibilities and ideas for us to promote an item or brand. After a day at job shadowing, I think that LEO Digital is a good place to work in.

Sze Leng
I used to think that the mentors would be very strict and it will be hard to communicate with them but now I think that they are very friendly and often try to make us talk by asking a question. I also used to think that the idea we have to come up with will have to be realistic but now I think that they actually encourages us to think out of the box and allow us to say what is on our mind because the mentors said that we don’t have to scared to speak up about ideas that are unrealistic or crazy. Overall, I think that LEO Digital have a fun and creative environment to work at so I look forward to learning more from them.

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